=== Changelog for the WP Image Zoom PRO plugin === = 1.61 = * 06/27/2024 * Fix: allow zoom effect on images, which have the "pointer-events: none" CSS rule applied * Compatibility with the Kalium theme * Compatibility with the Impreza theme, which adds a passive event listener to the "mousewheel" event and interfers with the scroll zoom on Chrome. = 1.60 = * 03/25/2024 * Fix: resize the zoom windows only on desktop * Fix: the video slides were not working on Smart Slider 3 galleries = 1.59 = * 12/18/2023 * Compatibility with the Smart Slider 3 gallery plugin * Fix deprecation warning from PHP8.3 = 1.58 = * 05/17/2023 * Fix: add zoom effect for ".zoomGallery" galleries loaded after the page load * Compatibility with the WooCommerce "Custom Order Tables" feature = 1.57 = * 11/23/2022 * Fix: the zoom lens should be under the menu for the Flatsome theme * Fix: remove zoom on placeholder photos on WooCommerce category pages * Feature: support SVG images = 1.56 = * 08/12/2022 * Fix: compatibility with the variation images for the Woodmart theme * Fix: support ElevateThemes themes, which add a wrapper on top of the page * Fix: compatibility with the lightbox from the Simple Lightbox plugin = 1.55 = * 03/21/2022 * Feature: support mikado themes, which add a wrapper on top of the page * Fix: compatibility with the variation images for the Porto theme * Tweak: update the EDD Plugin Updater library = 1.54 = * 11/07/2021 * Fix: if the image's src attribute is missing, use the image from the data-src attribute * Fix: the zoom was making it hard to select the image element in Beaver and Brizy page builders * Fix: the zoom couldn't be applied with the Classic Editor if the Storefront theme was enabled * Fix: if the "zoooom-left" or "zoooom-right" CSS class is used, then align the zoom window to the image at the same height as the chosen setting = 1.53 = * 09/07/2021 * Fix: the mousewheel zoom was only increasing and never decreasing when the Envira Gallery is also installed on the website. * Feature: support select-themes.com which add a wrapper on top of the page = 1.52 = * 03/10/2021 * Fix: remove zoom in Divi Visual Builder for newer versions of Divi * Fix: the product gallery's thumbnails were not clickable in the WoodMart theme * Fix: the first image of the Elementor Pro Gallery lightbox was not zoomed = 1.51 = * 01/19/2021 * Compatibility with WC 4.9, WP 5.6, jQuery 3.5.1, PHP 8.0 = 1.50 = * 09/18/2020 * Compatibility with the Smart Variations Images for WooCommerce plugin * Disable the Images Lazy Loading functionality from the Litespeed Cache plugin. = 1.49 = * 07/10/2020 * Fix: zoom on gallery on Uncode theme * Compatibility with the NextGen Pro lightbox * Show warning for incompatibility with Smart Image Resize for WooCommerce plugin * Fix: the zoom was making it hard to select the image element in Elementor, Divi Builder and WPBakery = 1.48.2 = * 06/15/2020 * Fix: zoom on Elementor lightbox = 1.48.1 = * 06/12/2020 * Fix: remove PHP warning = 1.48 = * 06/04/2020 * Fix: compatibility with the WooCommerce product gallery on the Enfold theme * Declare compatibility with WC4.1 = 1.47 = * 03/07/2020 * Compatibility with the "OpenSwatch - WooCommerce Color Swatch" plugin * Declare compatibility with WC4.0 * Declare compatibility with WP5.4 = 1.46 = * 02/22/2020 * Fix: product image gallery was broken on the Brooklyn theme * Tweak: for Slick carousel images start the zoom only after the carousel fully loaded * Declare compatibility with WC3.9 = 1.45 = * 11/05/2019 * Declare compatibility with WP5.3 and WC3.8 * Tweak: change "Visual Composer" to "WPBakery" in notices and documentation * Fix: increase the zoom lens' z-index for PrettyPhoto lightboxes = 1.44 = * 09/28/2019 * Compatibility with several lazy load plugins * Add notice about the WooCommerce product gallery from the Avada theme = 1.43 = * 07/11/2019 * Compatibility with galleries from the WP Bakery Addons plugin * Fix: zoom wasn't initialized for post/page images served by the ShortPixel CDN * Add "with Zoom" style to the Gutenberg image block = 1.42 = * 05/08/2019 * Fix: the zoom is hidden behind a wrapper for all the Edge-Themes * Tweak: rearrange the compatibility with Owl Carousel * Declare compatibility with WordPress 5.2 = 1.41.1 = * 04/21/2019 * Declare compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6 * Fix: update the Bootstrap library used in the admin side to 3.4.1 version = 1.41 = * 04/13/2019 * Fix: after changing the variation and quickly hovering on the image, the zoom for the old image was displayed * Compatibility with the Image Hotspot plugin by DevVN * Compatibility with WooCommerce gallery for the theGem theme * Feature: mousewheel scroll zoom for inner zoom = 1.40 = * 01/11/2019 * Fix: after closing the WooCommerce Lightbox there was an image lingering = 1.39 = * 12/17/2018 * Code refactory * Check and declare compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5 * Check and declare compatibility with WordPress 5.0 = 1.38 = * 11/02/2018 * Fix: increase z-index for zoom on Featherlight lightbox * Fix: the Divi theme doesn't use a full MFP gallery, but only an MFP image * Fix: the Avada theme changed the WooCommerce gallery wrapper from "fusion-flexslider" to "woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper" * Fix: support for the Flatsome stacked gallery * Fix: the zoom is hidden behind a wrapper for all the Mikado-Themes * Fix: on touch devices the lens was jumping from under the finger to above the finger = 1.37 = * 09/05/2018 * Feature: compatibility with the Swiper slider used in many themes and plugins * Compatibility: WooCommerce gallery created by the Woo Layout Injector * Fix: the zoom is hidden behind a wrapper on the Salient theme * Fix: for OwlCarousel, if the image is slightly bigger then the carousel item, then it didn't understand the next image in the carousel = 1.36 = * 08/11/2018 * Fix: WooCommerce 3.0+ gallery with one image and with a flex gallery on the same page was not working * Fix: show WC Photoswipe when "Remove Lightbox" isn't enable * Compatibility: "WooSwatches - Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches" plugin * Compatibility with the "Uni Woo Custom Product Options" plugin * Tweak: change the detectmobilebrowser library from jQuery to pure JS = 1.35 = * 05/29/2018 * Change: add "Lens margins extend over image border" option * Tweak: update the list of themes that add a whole page wrapper with the z-index higher than the zoom * Fix: error on Windows 7 IE 11 = 1.34 = * 04/18/2018 * Add the 'wp_image_zoooom_pro_settings' filter * Set the lens above the finger for the touch-screen devices * Feature: show image title in the zoom window * Feature: compatibility with the Slick carousel * Feature: compatibility with the WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin * Fix: if the zoom window is bigger than the zoomed image, adjust the zoom window size = 1.33 = * 04/06/2018 * Fix: increase z-index for Huge-IT Portfolio lightbox * Fix: error for PHP older than 5.5 = 1.32 = * 03/31/2018 * Fix: check the option name against an array of allowed values * Tweak: show more information about the license = 1.31 = * 03/12/2018 * Compatibility with the Magnific Popup lightbox (as used by the Divi gallery) * Compatibility with the Enfold theme portfolio gallery * Fix: WooCommerce gallery on Authentic theme * Fix: WooCommerce gallery on My Listing theme from 27collective.com * Feature: support edge-themes.com which add a wrapper on top of the page = 1.30 = * 02/12/2018 * Compatibility with the Magnific Popup lightbox (as used by Enfold portfolio items) * Warning: division with zero for WC3.3.1 = 1.29 = * 01/15/2018 * Fix: Set a default value for the "flickity" option = 1.28 = * 01/10/2018 * Compatibility with the Flickity carousel * Fix: WC3 with the "Remove Lightbox" option disabled showed a lingering image after closing the lightbox. * Compatibility with the Retail Therapy theme * Fix: compatibility with the "Twist - WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider" * Feature: compatibility with the "Ultimate Product Catalogue" by Etoile Web Design * Fix: the "Enable the zoom on WooCommerce category pages" option was not working with WC3 * Tweak: remove the "Exchange the thumbnail with main image on WooCommerce products" for WooCommerce 3, as it doesn't have an effect anymore = 1.27 = * 10/08/2017 * Feature: support select-themes.com which add a wrapper on top of the page * Feature: "Zoom Window vertically responsive" option * Fix: the zoom was missing from the first image from an OwlCarousel gallery * change demo image * Feature: support Featherlight.js lightboxes (as used in the Draw Attention plugin) * Tweak: unify all the lightboxes options show a modal with the supported lightboxes * Fix: compatibility with older Flexslider, like 2.2.2 version = 1.26 = * 09/04/2017 * Fix: check if the data-large_image attribute exists * Fix: update the data-large_image attribute only for the Bridge theme * Feature: watch for images added with AJAX and enable the zoom on them * Feature: compatibility with the Porto theme * Feature: compatibility with the Huge IT Gallery Lightbox new style = 1.25 = * 07/30/2017 * Feature: compatibility with the Dorian theme * Feature: prepare the plugin for translation * Fix: keep a copy of the jquery.image-zoom.min.js in the assets/js folder * Fix: update the zoom image when the data-large_image attribute changes = 1.24 = * 07/04/2017 * Feature: compatibility with the WP-Cache Super for the `enable on mobiles` option * Fix: compatibility with the Startit theme * Fix: remove the JS errors on WooCommerce gallery on mobiles * Fix: rename the EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class to avoid conflicts with other plugins that update with this class * Fix: add the full size image to the main WooCommerce image for the Striking MultiFlex theme * Fix: keep the old WooCommerce gallery with the Flatsome >3.3.5 * Fix: for the left window the margin offset was only half of what set in `Distance from the Main Image` setting = 1.23 = * 06/13/2017 * Feature: compatibility with the Owl Carousel * Fix: IE doesn't support JS functions default parameters = 1.22 = * 06/07/2017 * Fix: short duration zoom on WooCommerce 3 slider gallery on mobiles * Fix: allow ssl verification when activating the plugin * Change: page/post button renamed to "WP Image Zoom" * Fix: remove the WooCommerce gallery slider from Bridge theme * Fix: change the variation image for the Enfold theme when there are more than one variation class * Feature: compatibility with SimpleLightbox * Feature: add .zoooom-left or .zoooom-right to change the zoom window per image * Fix: remove the WooCommerce gallery slider from Oshin theme = 1.21 = * 05/06/2017 * Feature: support infinite loading portfolio for the Folo theme * Feature: change the variation image for the Enfold theme * Fix: delete the `update_plugins` transient after the `beta` option changes * Fix: remove var_dump from includes/edd/EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php = 1.20 = * 05/06/2017 * Feature: allow beta releases for the plugin * Fix: initialize the zoom on mousemove instead of mouseover for WooCommerce gallery slider * Fix: replace the data-zoom-image for WooCommerce variation images = 1.19 = * 05/01/2017 * Fix the gallery with GeneratePress theme = 1.18 = * 04/30/2017 * Fix: adjust the zoom to the Enfold with WooCommerce 3.0.+ * Feature: compatibility with the ShopKeeper theme * Feature: compatibility with the Corpobox Lite theme and WooCommerce 3.0.+ * Feature: compatibility with the HyperX theme * Feature: compatibility with the prettyPhoto lightbox = 1.17 = * 04/09/2017 * Fix: the slider was skewed on the Divi theme * Fix: make the "Remove the Lightbox on WooCommerce products" option compatible with the slider * Fix: if the image has data-large_image attribute, then use that for the zoom * Fix: if data-zoom-image attribute present, then exchange it with the thumbnails in WooCommerce gallery = 1.16 = * 04/04/2017 * Fix: compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.+ * Fix: Some browsers initialize two lenses for "mouseonmove mouseenter" action = 1.15 = * 03/28/2017 * Feature: compatibility with iLightbox, as used in the Avada theme * Feature: compatibility with the LoveStory theme = 1.14 = * 02/01/2017 * Feature: add onMouseMove option for popups and lightboxes, not only onMouseEnter * Fix: compatibility with an older version of FancyBox * Fix: set the zoom's z-index higher than Easy FancyBox * Fix: the left and right arrows from Easy FancyBox were adding a delay to the onmousemove action = 1.13 = * 01/30/2017 * Feature: compatibility with Lazy Load plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/lazy-load/) * Fix: remove the "Compatible with LazyLoad (unveil)" option and apply the fix automatically if the $.unveil function is present * Change: replace the `move` cursor type with `zoom-in` * Feature: compatibility with the Nouveau theme * Fix: rename style ids to avoid conflicts with other plugins = 1.12 = * 01/20/2017 * Fix: image_zoom-init.js was not loaded because the it was missing the jquery-observe dependency = 1.11 = * 01/19/2017 * Feature: add filter for loading the jquery-observe.js * Feature: add zoom on the Huge IT galleries inside the Lightbox * Feature: add zoom on the Photo Gallery inside the Lightbox = 1.10 = * 12/12/2016 * Fix: Add back the `Custom CSS Class` option for Enfold theme builder elements = 1.9 = * 12/07/2016 * Fix: don't add the full size image to the srcset if the image is cropped * Check: compatibility with the WP4.7 = 1.8 = * 11/10/2016 * Fix: remove warning about "non full size image" * Fix: compatibility with the Stockholm theme * Fix: remove warning if the WPBakery Single Image element is removed = 1.7 = * 11/04/2016 * Feature: compatibility with the Jetpack Carousel lightbox * Fix: trim the input for flexslider container class * Fix: make the flexslider independent of the WooCommerce setting * Fix: with W3 Total Cache plugin, under Avada, the JS was minified before jquery.js was loaded = 1.6 = * 10/23/2016 * Fix: the zoom on mouse on touchscreen laptops = 1.5 = * 10/17/2016 * Feature: add the "Enable inside fancyBox lightbox" option * Feature: make the z-index inside the jquery.image-zoom.js class an option * Fix: match the theme by part of the name = 1.4 = * 10/07/2016 * Feature: "Exchange the thumbnail with the main image on WooCommerce products" option * Feature: compatibility with the Artcore theme * Feature: show a notice about BWP Minify configurations = 1.3.3 = * 08/24/2016 * Feature: Add "Apply zoom on this particular image(s)" field in the General Settings = 1.3.2 = * 08/22/2016 * Fix: if the full image is not present in the srcset, then add it * Fix: JavaScript error related to the TinyMCE button and Site Builder by SiteOrigin = 1.3.1 = * 07/21/2016 * Fix: compatibility with Divi theme, Gallery module with Grid layout * Feature: compatibility with the Storefront ToyStore child theme * Feature: compatibility with the Flatsome theme product gallery * Feature: compatibility with all the Enfold elements = 1.3.0 = * 06/18/2016 * Fix: apply the attrchange also on img.zoooom * Fix: add _nonce to the admin form * Feature: add an admin warning in case there is Jetpack Photon installed * Feature: option "Remove the Lightbox on thumbnail images" * Fix: design on the General Settings page * Fix: the zoom was jumping on mousewheel zoom = 1.2.9 = * 06/18/2016 * Feature: add right-center and left-center position for the Zoom Image * Fix: updated the compatiblity with the `show-slides` plugin * Fix: the license implementation was conflicting with other plugins with EDD license = 1.2.8 = * 04/27/2016 * Feature: compatibility with the Aside theme * Feature: add data-zoom-image attribute if the srcset is not present, but the "zoooom" class is present * Fix: for zoom use the biggest image from the srcset, not the last one * Check: compatibility with WP 4.5.1 = 1.2.7 = * 03/28/2016 * Feature: apply the zoom on more than one WooCommerce gallery on a page * Fix: when the thumbnails are clicked, change also the link's href * Fix: when the thumbnails are clicked and an attribute is missing, remove the attribute from the replaced image * Fix: when the thumbnails are clicked and srcset is missing, try to force the bigger image * Fix: the zoom was reading the image's "zoom-image" attribute instead of "data-zoom-image" * Fix: "Enable the zoom on click" and "Zoom Level" didn't have immediate effect on the image in the admin = 1.2.6 = * 03/19/2016 * Feature: use the biggest image from srcset instead of tweaking the image from src * Fix: update to the WooCommerce 4.5.2 changes to the variation products * Fix: don't create multiple onclick and onmouseenter events * Fix: on click change all the attributes of the WooCommerce gallery = 1.2.5 = * 03/17/2016 * Feature: enable the zoom on click * Fix: show the JS code for WooCommerce even if it's on a product's page * Feature: zoom even if the image is smaller than presented * Feature: Control the zoom level * Fix: the zoomed area was misplaced when the image had a padding = 1.2.4 = * 02/28/2016 * Feature: compatibility with Stocky theme (EDD ) * Fix: when "Force it to work with WooCommerce" is disabled the srcset is not removed * Feature: compatibility with "Search & Filter PRO" from "Designs & Code" * Feature: you can tag a div with "zoooom" class in order to apply the zoom * Feature: compatibility with WPBakery * Fix: replaced the with to make it work for PHP < 5.4 and short_open_tag = Off * Feature: Enable the zoom on the WooCommerce category pages = 1.2.3 = * 02/03/2016 * Feature: compatibility with Huge IT Gallery * Feature: compatibility with Bridge Portfolio images * Fix: the zoom was not working on Apple touchscreen devices = 1.2.2 = * 01/10/2016 * Feature: compatibility with http://flexslider.woothemes.com/ * Fix: if the image is not resized by WP, but with the help of ?resize=width/height, then if couldn't load the large image * Feature: add option for "Remove the Lightbox" = 1.2.1 = * 12/24/2015 * Fix: TinyMCE editor in WP-Lister Templates was not working * Fix: With WordPress 4.4 the WooCommerce thumbnail images were not switched for the main image = 1.2.0 = * 12/18/2015 * New feature: `Lens Color` and `Show Lens as Grid` * New feature: `Responsive` and `Responsive Threshold` for the Zooom Window * Compatibility: `The 7` gallery shortcode * Fix: Mousewheel Zoom was not working * Fix: the tooltips were not always showing * Fix: when changing the image for WooCommerce variable product, force it to load the bigger image = 1.1.5 = * 10/29/2015 * Added option to enable the zoom on attachment pages = 1.1.4 = * 10/20/2015 * Fix: The zoom window positioning was not working on the front side, only on the backside * Fix: with round and square lens the zoom was flickering when getting out of the image area. (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/lazyload-conflicts-more) * Added compatibility for LazyLoad (unveil.js) * Added compatibility with Portfolio images for Fluxus theme = 1.1.3 = * 10/08/2015 * Fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problem-when-resize-window (regenerate the zoomed image when the page is resized) * Fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/not-working-1307 (when choosing another image from woocommerce gallery, if the image is not big enough to generate a zoom, it was still showing the previously chosen image) = 1.1.2 = * 09/14/2015 * Works with MarketPlace plugin = 1.1.1 = * 09/07/2015 * Works with Avia Gallery widget = 1.1.0 = * 09/01/2015 * Initial commit